CG v Facebook: Privacy Protection Online
Anya Proops reports on a case in the High Court in Northern Ireland where judgment was given against Facebook in a privacy/data protection case…
Anya Proops reports on a case in the High Court in Northern Ireland where judgment was given against Facebook in a privacy/data protection case…
There is lots of new legislation affecting IT lawyers as IT law penetrates every corner of life. It is not easy to keep track. Here are some of the items that have come to my attention recently (somewhat slanted to criminal practice because of work focused on that area), with the odd moan about them thrown in….
I like to think that I do curmudgeonly well. But, like Schwarzenegger doing comedy, I like the occasional stretch. I find myself currently playing the part of the uplifting and positive commentator on the way of the legal world. For while I remember a time when you could get into the pictures and buy a…
Data Protection and Home CCTV According to the CJEU, the Data Protection Directive applies to a video recording made with a surveillance camera installed by a person on his family home and directed towards the public footpath. The Court ruled in Case 212/13 František Ryneš v Ú?ad pro ochranu osobních údaj? that those installing domestic…
Professor Chris Marsden explains what is behind the project and explores the current landscape of access to law in the UK….
To coincide with Data Protection Day on 28 January 2015, Matheson hosted and sponsored the SCL Irish Group’s breakfast seminar on the latest developments in data protection law….
Read More… from SCL Event Report: Irish Group Data Protection Seminar
Dr David Taylor and Jane Seager report and comment on an interesting domain name dispute…
All of those operating on the Internet have to be aware of the dangers that come with defamation. But it is easy to overlook the very real differences between the law on defamation in England and Wales and the comparable law in Scotland. Christine O’Neill and Niall McLean provide a timely reminder….
A recent High Court judgment has dealt with a variety of issues affecting the jurisdiction and abuse of process and includes a brief consideration of the Defamation Act 2013, s 1…
Olivia Whitcroft casts her eyes over standard terms and suggests a better way forward. She offers a mercurial warning: ‘If all you have is standard terms, everything looks like a fax machine’…
Read More… from Technology Contracts: Creative Relationships Require Creative Agreements