OFT Warning to Online Retailers
A survey of UK retailers’ web sites has found flaws in compliance with consumer protection legislation…
A survey of UK retailers’ web sites has found flaws in compliance with consumer protection legislation…
In light of the spate of recent prosecutions, and the DPP’s consultation exercise, Lilian Edwards looks at s 127 and what might be done about it…
Read More… from Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003: Threat or Menace?
The ICO has acted to remind businesses of data responsibilities as more look to cloud computing to process personal information…
So why does Facebook and for that matter LinkedIn work so well whereas businesses and especially law practices can struggle to use the same technology for internal social networks…
The DPP’s recent call for input on the setting of guidelines for social media prosecutions overlooks a need for better drafted laws…
Read More… from Social Media Prosecutions: Guidelines Not Enough
The European Data Protection Supervisor has published his formal comments on DG MARKT’s public consultation on procedures for notifying and acting on illegal content hosted by online intermediaries…
Read More… from EDPS Comments on Online Illegal Content Procedure Proposals
Keir Starmer QC, the Director of Public Prosecutions, has issued a statement on social media prosecutions and announced his intention to suggest guidelines for prosecutors….
Kathryn Rogers considers the main legal concerns for the ever-growing army of app developers…
The rise of social media in our social conscience seems to continue unabated, and now not a day goes by without social media hitting the headlines in one way or another. Nick Branch looks at social media and employment issues….
Read More… from Unfair Dismissal and Social Media: When is Dismissal Justified?
I am not sure that I am qualified to offer a view on Apple v Samsung but, inspired by the flood of uninformed recent comments on Assange, rape and extradition, I will anyway. How much does this verdict matter?…