Ofcom calls for evidence on additional duties for “categorised” online services under Online Safety Act 2023

Ofcom is seeking evidence to inform its codes of practice and guidance on the additional duties that will apply to some of the most widely used online sites and apps, designated as “categorised” services, under the Online Safety Act. Under the Act, all in-scope tech firms must put in place appropriate safety measures to protect…

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European Commission and consumer authorities investigate online influencers

Only 20% of influencers disclose that their content is advertising. The European Commission and national consumer protection authorities have issued the results of a sweep of social media posts by 572 influencers. The sweep found that 97% posted commercial content but only one in five systematically indicated that their content was advertising. The objective of…

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CJEU rules that a member state may not subject a communication platform provider established in another member state to general and abstract obligations

The Court of Justice of the European Union has issued its judgment in C-376/22 Google Ireland and others. The full judgment is not yet available in English. In 2021, Austria introduced a law requiring domestic and foreign providers of communication platforms to set up mechanisms for reporting and verifying potential illegal content. The law also…

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Below the Filter: Has the Time for Employment Rights for Content Moderators Finally Arrived?

As the sun rises, a worker prepares for yet another gruelling day at work. For eight hours, their weary eyes confront a barrage of disturbing posts that plunge into the abyss of humanity’s darkest corners: texts, videos and images of suicides, beheadings, explicit sexual acts and other harmful content demand their unwavering attention. They are…

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Key Takeaways from the SCL Privacy and DP Group Event: Ad Tech – Bring Everyone to the Table

Speakers Anita Bapat (Kemp Little LLP) Tom O’Flynn (Google) James Evan (Verizon media) Alex Abrahams (DMGT) Karishma Brahmbhatt (Allen & Overy LLP) Event Overview With ad-tech a key focus for data protection authorities such as the ICO and CNIL, panellists James, Alex and Tom methodically described ad-tech infrastructure, and the various players involved within the…

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