
Recent contacts with recruiters and IT lawyers have led me to think that, at a time of great uncertainty  for the legal professions and a broadly pessimistic outlook for the world economy, the future for IT lawyers looks bright. Recruiters are struggling to find suitably qualified lawyers for positions at all sorts of different levels,…

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Internet Infringement of Personality Rights: ECJ Judgment

In a new ruling, the ECJ finds that victims of infringements of personality rights by means of the internet may bring actions before the courts of the Member State in which they reside in respect of all of the damage caused. But the operator of an internet website covered by the e-commerce directive cannot be made subject, in that State, to stricter requirements than those provided for by the law of the Member State in which it is established…

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Creating an Online Legal Tool

Laurence Eastham talked to two new entrants in the still emerging field of online solutions to legal problems for consumers. Tom Hiskey and Rob Blake are the founders of The Law Wizard, the company behind forthcoming online probate tool The Probate Wizard. Tom is a probate lawyer who resigned from his job as a practising solicitor in the Yorkshire region to start The Law Wizard with Rob. Rob provides the technical vision – he is a specialist in cloud computing and system development….

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