Deceptive Dark Patterns scrutinised in GPEN Global Report

Deceptive Design Patterns (DDPs) or “dark patterns” are often found on websites and apps.  They “nudge” consumers into making decisions that may not be in their interests. Examples include additional charges at the end of a transaction after a person has committed time to the purchase process, or users being forced to provide payment details…

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Winner is announced for the SCL Tech Law ‘Green’ Dragons’ Den Competition

Sponsored by and Colt Technology Services A competition to hear ideas from students and prospective trainees on how the law can embrace sustainability principles. The challenge we set: Which legal, environmental, social, or governance issue can be resolved with improved technology and how? The DragonsOur Dragons are experts in the field of technology, ESG, and…

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Coimisiún na Meán consults on new draft Code and Rules for video on-demand services

Coimisiún na Meán has published a new draft Audiovisual On-Demand Media (Video-on-demand) Service Code and new draft Rules for consultation. These are made under the Irish implementing legislation for the recast Audio-Visual Services Directive. Once finalised, Coimisiún na Meán will apply the Code and Rules to video-on-demand service providers with their EU headquarters in Ireland….

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New government elected – what is next in the world of tech and digital regulation?

So, we have a new Labour government.  What could lie in store in the realm of digital and tech regulation?  We deep dive into their manifesto to find out. Labour Digital is the home of digital and technology policy for Labour Party members and supporters. It says that [they] “seek to understand the potential of…

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