IT Accessibility and the Public Sector
Martin Sloan discusses compliance with the new Public Contracts Regulations and the changes to the Disability Discrimination Act and their effect on public procurement….
Martin Sloan discusses compliance with the new Public Contracts Regulations and the changes to the Disability Discrimination Act and their effect on public procurement….
Blogging’s Biggest Risk? – Being Blogless in the Blogosphere…
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This is an edited transcript of the 2006 SCL Lecture given by Professor Richard Susskind OBE, which has created enormous interest. This version covers only four of the six headings covered in the Lecture itself….
In the hustle and bustle of general legal practice where billable hours, legal aid and court diaries conspire to heap pressure on lawyers, it is easy to forget that the law applies to us too. Stephen Moore and William Milliken remind us of one new potential liability….
At first sight, law and the provision of legal advice seems the ideal ground for the application of artificial intelligence. Alastair Morrison wonders whether the AI promise is at last edging towards realisation and asks serious questions about its current relevance….
The battle between file-sharers and the film and music industries throws up some interesting issues. Gary Fotios looks at some of them….
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Dr. David Wall of Leeds University asks the question we would all like to see answered with a ‘YES’….
Court technology as fashionable as Carrie Bradshaw in her Manolo Blahniks? Lisa Burton acknowledges that we are not quite there yet but looks at moves to get prosecutions in serious fraud trials to look as sleek as a Prada handbag….
New techniques for identification and verification may have surprising implications writes Phillip Rees of Hammonds….
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Outsourcing continues to be a high growth activity for many UK businesses, especially in relation to IT and telecoms functions. All the surveys researching the drivers for outsourcing appear to confirm that the main one continues to be the need to reduce cost in order to remain competitive. For the moment at least the most…
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