Looking Back, Looking Forwards

Sir Brian Neill is a former President and now is Vice-President of SCL. He was Chairman of ITAC from 1985 to 1996. Although now retired as aCourt of Appeal judge, he continues to sit there from time to time and retainsan active role in the propagation of the use of IT in the law. He is a member ofthe Civil Justice IT Strategy Development Group. This is an edited version ofSir Brian’s speech at the 25th Anniversary Dinner….

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civil.justice: The SCL Response

The consultation paper issued by the Lord Chancellor’s Department, civil.justice:resolving and avoiding disputes in the information age, sought responsesfrom interested parties by 18 December. SCL has responded by welcoming thethinking behind the paper and giving a detailed account of the Society’s viewson the use which the Government should make of IT in the civil justice…

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Trespass on the Web

Although there is a dearth of English judicial pronouncement about torts committed on or via the Internet, a number of decisions of US courts have considered the question of whether a cause of action in trespass lies against those who use and copy data from another’s Web site. Might similar results occur were such matters to be litigated here asks Helen Barnard…

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The Application of Information Technology

In this piece, Alastair Morrison reviews the pressures on solicitors and the courts arising from IT implementation. He analyses the position of smaller firms and looks at the prospects for XML and AI. This was originally submitted as a dissertation for the degree of LLM at the University of Strathclyde. It is rare for SCL to accept such material but this is a useful examination of various commentators’ views….

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