Recent Domain Name Developments

ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, is the non-profit intergovernmental corporation formed three years ago to assume responsibility for management of the domain name system. In that time, ICANN has developed the framework for the registration and management of domain names. But many commentators, including high level individuals within ICANN, have said…

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Seamless Roaming and the Legal Organisation: Choosing a Partner

The legal marketplace is truly dynamic. The opening up of new markets, increased competition and demands from clients mean law firms need to maintain their competitive advantage, keep fee earners and staff happy and reduce business process times, complexities and costs. Furthermore, the increasing pace of mergers, acquisitions and general re-structuring of business is driving…

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Metatags and the Reed case – a few discordant notes?

The recent dispute between Reed Executive PLC and Reed Business Information Limited over the use of the mark REED on a job vacancy web site including its metatags and in related banner ads recently came before the High Court. Reed Executive triumphed and deservedly so in the view of the author, however, the reasoning employed in the case could in the view of the author result in some very unfair outcomes if followed in the future in the context of metatags….

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