legislation.gov.uk and good law
John Sheridan brings us up to date on the major strides being made to make legislation online more accessible and up to date…
John Sheridan brings us up to date on the major strides being made to make legislation online more accessible and up to date…
The Christmas music has been in the shops for weeks and a Christmas card has been received so it must be time for the SCL Predictions to begin. In strict alphabetical order, and in a complete reversal of the Christmas song, we begin with 12 lords (and ladies) a leaping: Kit Burden, Jan Durant, Beverley Flynn, Paul Gershlick, Andrew Haslam, Tom Hiskey, Stewart James, Daniel Pollick, Joe Reevy, John Salmon, Callum Sinclair and Peter Sommer…
On 20 November, Nominet announced updates on a range of new initiatives and projects….
Nominet is going ahead with its plans for shorter domain names, although a consultation appears to have produced a two-thirds majority against. I am sure that they wanted it realIy….
On 6 November 2013, Bristows LLP hosted the latest session organised by the SCL Media Group which proved extremely popular. The session covered various aspects of online advertising and was chaired by Paul Jordan, head of the advertising team at Bristows. Sacha Wilson, an associate at Bristows, reports on the session….
Dominic Crossley gives his view of the recent judgment of the Tribunal de Grande Instance on a claim brought by Max Mosley against Google, relating to certain images available on a Google Images search…
Read More… from Google go down in Paris: How did it come to this?
In the space of little more than eight weeks, the Information Rights Tribunal has recently quashed two ‘Civil Monetary Penalties’ totalling £550,000. Paul Motion and Laura Irvine consider the decisions and argue that such Monetary Penalties are properly categorised as criminal, with significant consequences for both the Information Commissioner and a data controller under investigation for a data protection breach. See also the authors’ article ‘Cake or Death?’…
Read More… from Data Protection Monetary Penalties: Absolutely Criminal?
Dr Chris Pounder speculates on the likely fate of the EU plans for data protection reform…
Read More… from Data Protection Regulation: Is it On or Off?
ICANN has announced that the new gTLD program is underway…
Read More… from First New Generic Top-Level Domains Delegated
David Chaplin reports on the SCL Annual Conference 2013, ‘All the IT Law you need for 2014’…
Read More… from SCL Annual Conference 2013 Report: In a Few Words