Can we can the spam?
Dr. David Wall of Leeds University asks the question we would all like to see answered with a ‘YES’….
Dr. David Wall of Leeds University asks the question we would all like to see answered with a ‘YES’….
Jeffrey D. Sullivan & Michael B. de Leeuw, two New York based specialists give us the perspective of US lawyers on the CAN-SPAM Act….
Trying to react to an incident by gathering all the digital evidence is difficult. Dr. Rob Rowlingson of QinetiQ explains how proper preparation can ease the burden….
Read More… from Forensic Readiness – Enabling a Corporate Approach to Digital Evidence
Chris Spencer wonders if mundane software can have a Knowledge Management function….
VeriSign has dropped its contentious new service but Simon Chapman wonders whether the crucial issue has been missed….
Paul Barton and Viv Nissanka of Field Fisher Waterhouse’s IT & E-Commerce Group discuss the legal risks and potential liabilities involved in publishing a “blog” for a business….
Read More… from The Rise of the Blog – Legal Risks and Liability
Glen Davis dons his deerstalker and tracks some spammers to their cyber-lair….
A review of a new book from Amanda C. Brock by Helen Hart….
Read More… from E-Business – A Practical Guide to the Law by Amanda C. Brock
Angus Hamilton contemplates the legality of live streamed video containing sexual activity in the UK….
Paul Motion of Ledingham Chalmers reflects on a recent case concerning possession of a CD-Rom of child pornography….
Read More… from Child pornography: Defences, protection and the dangers