Computer Training for Fee-Earners – WHY BOTHER?
Debbie Probert is a director of IOS Ltd, specialists in consultancy, training and support on office automation systems in the legal marketplace….
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Internet Interest Group: Getting Results From Your Web Site
Julian Versteeg, a student at the College of Law, reports on the meeting of the Internet Interest Group held on 19 January 1998 at Simmons and Simmons….
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Liverpool Group Report: Birkenhead District Land Registry
David Rawlinson reports on demonstrations of the National Land Information Service and the Direct Access Service held at Birkenhead District Land Registry on 29 January 1998….
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The e-Summit
A report on the meeting of 19 November at the QEII Conference Centre by Eduardo Ustaran, Chairman of the SCL Internet Interest Group and solicitor at Berwin Leighton Paisner, London….
Computer Aid Projects in England (1971)
One of SCL’s founding members, Alan Brakefield, was recently honoured with a dinner at the House of Lords and a presentation after 29 years as Treasurer of the Society. We reproduce below an excerpt from an article written by him in 1971. The article was published as Law and Technology: Jurimetrics and included an appendix on Computer Aid Projects in England which is reproduced here….
Working towards electronic filing of documents
Rónán Kennedy looks at the pilot project encouraging electronic filing in the Supreme Court of Ireland….
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