ICO calls for evidence on children’s privacy practices

August 20, 2024

The ICO has launched a call for evidence on children’s privacy practices on social media and video sharing platforms.

It has been carrying out a review of social media platforms and video sharing platforms (VSPs) as part of its Children’s Code Strategy. The ICO’s Tech Lab reviewed 34 social media platforms and video sharing platforms, focusing on the process young people go through to sign-up for accounts.

It found varying levels of adherence to the Children’s code, and said that some platforms were not doing enough to protect children’s privacy. The Children’s code explains how organisations can make sure their digital services safeguard children’s personal information, giving them online experiences that are appropriate for their age. Platforms are responsible for complying with the UK GDPR.

The ICO is raising certain issues with 11 out of the 34 platforms, including default privacy settings, geolocation and age assurance, and asking them to explain how their approach conforms with the code, following concerns raised by the review.

The ICO are also speaking to some of the platforms about targeted advertising to set out expectations for changes to ensure practices are in line with both the law and the code.

The ICO has identified areas where further evidence is needed to improve understanding of how these services are affecting children’s privacy. It is launching a call views about:

  • The use of children’s personal information in recommender systems including:
    • How children’s information is currently being used to design recommender systems and recommend content to children on platforms.
    • Examples of good practice related to the collection and use of children’s personal information in recommender systems.
  • The use of personal information of children under 13 years old including:
    • Evidence about the effectiveness of profiling techniques to identify children under 13 years old.
    • Evidence of approaches to reduce the risk of children trying to circumvent age assurance.
    • Use and development of innovative new age assurance practices.

The evidence gathered will be used to inform its ongoing work with the aim of securing improvements in how platforms protect children’s privacy. As the social media and video sharing markets are continuously changing, and children’s internet usage is continually evolving, the Tech Lab review included a mixture of new and established providers that give access to under-18s. The ICO has set out its findings in the Children’s Code Strategy update.

The call for views ends on 11 October 2024.