Tech of Tech Law Conference: Hands-on training for tech lawyers

£360.00 (Member price)

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Non-member: £720.00
Professional member: £360.00

Putting the ‘tech’ into ‘tech law’’

SCL has assembled a team of practising lawyers and technologists to bust through the jargon and explain how things work, without too much bamboozlement! There’s a lot to cover, but this event promises to be accessible and entertaining as well as informative. Purchase and view the recording now!

A special thank you to our fantastic hosts and sponsors, Macfarlanes LLP

Event Description:
The two stalwarts of the SCL’s monthly “Tea and Tech” series, Simon Forrester and Neil Brown, and their special guest speakers are delighted to be back with an all-new “Tech of Tech Law” Conference.

Chaired by Elizabeth Fitzgerald, this is a unique event in the SCL’s calendar, in that it focuses solely on helping you better understand the technology on which you are being asked to advise.

This Conference is designed to equip you with essential technical knowledge, empowering you to engage confidently with clients and pose the right questions. Geared towards individuals in technical fields, such as tech lawyers, data protection advisors, and law students, this event caters to those who may not get much training on “the tech”.

Whatever your level of technical knowledge, our focus is on making sure that you leave with plenty of material that can help you in your day-to-day practice, whether that’s getting to grips with a client’s service faster, or being able to ask pertinent questions or just conversing with them more knowledgeably.

No prior technical knowledge is assumed; this event covers the basics. However, if you already possess technical expertise, there’s still plenty of content for you, including opportunities to assess your learning.

This year’s themes included:

– email deliverability, from the very basis of interconnecting mail systems through to SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and probably many other Three Letter Acronyms

– the metaverse: what it is, and how it works

– understanding federation, including distribution and decentralised services

– key technologies and concepts for anonymisation, security, encryption, and privacy

The team will deliver this session in their usual friendly, accessible style, drawing on their expertise in making the complicated simple and hopefully enjoyable!

Additionally, the recording will feature three “ten-minute tech talks”.

Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Principal, Fitzgerald Tech Law

Speaker line up:
Neil Brown, Managing Director, Decoded Legal
Simon Forrester, Software Developer, Mituyu. Developer, Zehuti Ltd
Andrea Jones, Lead Information Security Analyst, Sainsbury’s
Chris James, General Counsel, Zing
Dr Kuan Hon, Of Counsel, Dentons
William White, Associate, Bristows LLP
Shruti Hiremath, Senior Associate, Clifford Chance
Guy Swillingham, Senior Associate, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner
Selen Alkan, Contract Analyst, Post Office Ltd


Email deliverability in 2024: SPF, DKIM, and DMARC explained – Neil Brown and Simon Forrester

Ten minute tech talk 1 –  AI, artificial neural networks, and genAI/transformers – Dr Kuan Hon

“How data, the internet of things, and a bit of AI solved a long-standing problem in rail networks”  – Guy Swillingham

The metaverse: how it works – Selen Alkan

Ten minute tech talk 2 – Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) – Shruti Hiremath

Federation: distributed and decentralised services, and how they talk to each other – Neil Brown and Simon Forrester

Anonymisation, Encryption and Privacy Enhancing Technologies – Chris James

Ten minute tech talk 4 – Injection Attacks – William White

Digital forensics – Andrea Jones

Wrap up


“The tech of tech law event is one of the events SCL has organised that truly galvanised the lawyers who attended it. To have technologists who are also lawyers literally, physically, unpack how a system works and then apply that to the world of legal be it disputes, drafting and negotiation or regulation was really inspiring.” 

Toby Crick, SCL Trustee and Partner, IT & Digital Team, Bristows

Administration Notes

Event pack:
The price of purchasing the recording and presentation slides for the SCL Tech of Tech Law Conference, is just £300 + VAT (£360) for SCL members and £600 + VAT (£720) for non-members.

How to purchase:
If you wish to purchase this event pack, please do so online.

VAT invoices will be issued to all delegates.

Fees can be paid by Mastercard, Visa or bank transfer. All invoices for the event pack must be paid within 14 days of the invoice date.

Concessionary rates for academics, students, the unemployed and those experiencing financial hardship are available upon application. Please contact for more information.

Non-members wishing to join the Society are entitled to membership of the Society valid for 12 months from the date of payment including full access to the content of the SCL web site, access to all online content of “Computers & Law plus notification of future SCL events. The cost of an annual SCL membership is £165.00. If you have any queries about SCL membership please contact the SCL office on Tel: 07948 517049 or Email:

Free membership for trainee lawyers and UK students:
SCL provides free membership for trainee lawyers until qualification and for UK students in full-time education with a valid email address. Student members are eligible to attend SCL events at concessionary rates where a fee is applicable. Trainee members are entitled to attend SCL events at the standard members’ rate (the concessionary rate for UK students in full-time education does not apply). Trainees and UK students in full-time education can apply to join SCL for free by emailing

SCL – Tech Law for Everyone The leading educational charity for the tech law community

Society for Computers and Law A company limited by guarantee 1133537 Registered Charity No. 266331 VAT Registration No. 115 4840 85 Registered in England and Wales Registered office: Unit 4.5, Paintworks, Arnos Vale, Bristol, BS4 3EH.