SCL Groups

SCL Group events are open to all but if you want to be more involved please feel free to get in touch with any of the Groups Committee members to suggest event topics, meeting venues or session speakers.

Want to be on an SCL Group Committee?

Committee members are asked to help organise one event or initiative per year, which includes helping to source interesting topics, speakers, and venues. There will be a few events held throughout the year, but not every committee member is involved in organising each event. Therefore, the overall commitment is helping with one event/initiative per year.

Please only apply to be a Group Committee member if you think you can make a valuable contribution with your time and expertise. The committee will meet for up to 6 remote Committee meetings per year, which typically last for about 45 minutes to an hour.

SCL Groups

Our groups represent topics and regions within the tech law sector and are a great way to engage with SCL and raise your profile.

The committees organise events for SCL in their chosen subject area throughout the year and work with SCL HQ to highlight issues or suggest initiatives that relate to the topic they represent. They also act as ambassadors who help spread the word about the Society and its work.

SCL Group events are generally open to all and are of interest and relevance across sectors.

All SCL members receive updates on our Groups and their activities via our mailing list.

If you would like to join a committee or have an idea for a topic currently not represented, please get in touch


To serve on a Group committee, you must be a current member of SCL. If you are not, or your membership has lapsed, please let SCL HQ know, and they can arrange for you to join the Society.